99% of all British businesses are classified as small.
Unfortunately, most of them will remain small or cease to exist.
We help businesses to grow and we love our work – except when we meet the ‘sorry start-up story’, see below. Unfortunately, it happens all too frequently.
Don’t let it happen to you.
If you’re going to go for it – make sure you’re one of the few to succeed. Make sure you follow the ‘smart start-up story’, see below.
And because we really want you to be successful, we offer a 20% discount for start-ups, see below.
The sorry start-up story
You’ve had a great idea and you’re excited. You chat to family and friends and they also think it’s a great idea.
You start working on it and before long you’re spending some serious amounts of time and hard-earned cash.
You get so far and then you realise that if you’re going to take it further you’ll need more cash than you have.
You talk to the bank and they ask to see your Business Plan. No, not a few pages of text explaining your idea and what you’ve achieved so far; but the one with all the numbers that shows exactly how much you need, why you need it and how your business will be able to repay the loan.
Someone suggests that you contact Sightpath to quickly process all the numbers you need for your Business Plan.
Picture the scene: The Sightpath Catalyst has been engaged to help you create a Business Plan to turn your expectations into reality. You’ve spent a couple of hours modelling the business in our system and now you’re getting down to the reality of your proposition.
You’re looking at the market, the competition, the risks and the scope for success. It may seem hard to believe, but this is the first time you’ve looked at the financials in any real detail.
Now you can see exactly how much more you will have to invest to make it happen and the extent of the risk balanced against the size of the opportunity.
And the Sightpath Catalyst is faced with your silent contemplation.
You’re thinking: ‘I’m really sorry that I didn’t do this at the beginning.’
And the Sightpath Catalyst is thinking: ‘The risk is too great – you’re going to have to cut your losses.’
In a way, this one was lucky, some keep plugging away until they’re demoralised and broke.
The smart start-up story
You’ve had a great idea and you’re excited. You chat to family and friends and they also think it’s a great idea.
But before you commit to it, you want to properly evaluate the opportunity to see if it’s worth pursuing. If it isn’t – you're sure that another idea will come along in the future.
Someone suggests that you contact Sightpath to quickly process all the numbers you need for a full evaluation and to generate your Business Plan.
If the opportunity doesn’t offer sufficient reward for your investment of both time and money, you can stop now with all your pride and your purse barely dented.
Not only that, but UK PLC doesn’t lose another budding entrepreneur to poor planning.
You live to launch another idea – another day.
Or you now have the confidence to pursue your idea with enough vigour and planning to make sure you succeed.
20% discount for start ups
We strongly believe that no business should set off without planning.
It should be the very first expense. Ideally, even before registering a name, designing a logo or printing business cards.
If the plan shows that your business proposition is unlikely to fulfil your ambitions, don’t waste your time, money and talent on the venture. We’ll help you devise another one.
That’s why we offer a 20% discount for start-ups.
Until a business finishes a financial year with a turnover of £100k or more, we will continue to discount our fees. That means if we agree to take on a start-up we are confident that we can help you achieve success. Essentially, we are so confident in our service that we’re prepared to share the risk with you.
Save yourself time, money and frustration by getting Sightpath onboard early. To arrange a meeting with one of our Business Catalysts please contact us.