Do you want to grow your business, or need a bank loan or an investor?
Our fast Business Planning Service calculates all your projections and the amount of funding you need, call Sightpath on 0845 468 2020
FREE e-book: 7 Mistakes to Avoid in Your Business Plan
2 questions a Business Owner should ask: "How much is my business worth?" and "How can I increase the value of my business?" A Business Valuation is the clearest measure of success. To be more successful, you'll need a business plan to win new customers, improve profitability, manage cash flow and increase business value. We can also help with business funding. The Sightpath Business Planning Service uses our own powerful Business Development System to help you grow your business and make success easier for you. More...
If you're a Business Investor you'll want to select opportunities that offer the best growth in business value. The Sightpath Business Planning Service uses our own Business Development System to forecast future business value to help you select only the best opportunities.
We can also match you to Business Owners with opportunities for business investment.
Are you a talented business person looking for an exciting new opportunity as a Business Advisor? If you believe you have the necessary skills to apply the Sightpath Business Planning Service for our clients using our own unique Business Development System, you might consider becoming a Sightpath Certified Business Catalyst.
Do you run a well-respected company offering products and services to aid the success of small businesses aiming to grow? Gain referrals from a nationwide network of Business Owners and Business Advisors by becoming pre-qualified as a Sightpath Business Partner.
Sightpath has developed a unique business planning software tool to enable us to provide a fast, effective and affordable business strategy and planning service.
For a preliminary chat without obligation please contact us